Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Twin Fawns

On the way up to the property today,
I saw 4 deer in the driveway.

One pretty muledeer doe
had twin newborn fawns in tow.

Instead of bolting from the road (the banks were steep),
she and the little ones trotted ahead of my Jeep.

As she led the fawns on a mile-long uphill run,
I kept a good distance and had some fun --
taking cell phone photos out the windshield,
like this one when we reached a green field.

The fawns are barely 20 lbs, all fluff.
Exercise like this will make them tough --
and ready to deal with the summer heat.
When we parted paths, the fawns looked beat.

Another of the does had a fawn with her.
The fawns force the does to travel slow.

They're clumbsy, all legs and fur,
which makes them entertaining to follow.

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