Photo: Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata) in bloom, mid May.
This is the time of year that keeps us coming back to this place. The wildflowers are in their full glory, with every open meadow and hillside covered with gold blossoms.
The weather is beautiful, most of the time, but schizophrenic. Out of the past three weekends we've had blue skies and warm weather, moderate temps with overcast, and chilly with showers, in that order.
We managed to burn some slash piles while the duff is still quite wet. It's mostly boring, hot work, but it's so nice to be rid of large heaps of dry wood debris! I also managed to bend a hydraulic rod on the tractor, pushing a burn pile around. It's turning out to be quite an expensive mistake, and takes the loader out of commission for a few weeks.
I sharpened the chain on my larger saw, fueled up the two Stihls, and felled 12-14 trees in 2 weekends. One fell against its favor to land on the deck, right where I aimed it, so I haven't completely lost my touch.
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