Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ATFS Certified Sustainable Forest

We received the certificate today for our certified sustainble forest. The American Tree Farm System certification is the central Washington companion to FSC (popular in western WA).

The forest has been managed according to ATFS standards for the past 8 years, and we got our "Sustainble Forest" sign a few years ago. It was not until a couple of years ago that we learned how easily we could attain certification for our wood products. The process took a while, since those who needed to sign the paperwork had moved on to other jobs. But the paperwork evenually went through, and we got a certificate and letter in today's mail.

We'll receive an ATFS sign, intended to accompany the Sustainable Forest sign, in a few weeks.

When you buy wood or paper with a "FSC" or "ATFS" symbol, it means the wood that it came from was farmed without undue harm to the Earth it came from. ATFS certifies that any wood products that are obtained from our land are grown and harvested in a sustainable way. We would give a copy of our certificate to a sawmill or pulp mill, and they would pass along the certificates with the lumber or pulp goods they produce.

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