Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pulp problem

I talked with Ralph, who buys pulpwood that's been logged and decked. Our road and bridge pose some access problems for full-sized log trucks. They can go in, but not take a full load out. Without a full load, they can't make enough money driving the wood to the pulp mill.

One option, suggested by two or three people now, is to cut the logs to 22' or 24' lengths and ferry them out to a leased lot, then transfer them to a full-sized truck and take full loads to the mill. The extra costs probably negate the advantages.

Small Douglas Fir can sell as firewood in the fall. Small Ponderosa Pine won't sell here, but it might sell in Seattle as winter approaches, Ralph tells me, because the city folks don't know the difference.

Ralph took time to talk through the options with me. His final recommendation was to get a dump truck and sell loads of firewood, direct to homeowners in the area.

We're seriously considering piling the Pine pulpwood and letting it rot on the property. It ends up being the least-cost option. Hey, at least it will provide significant habitat for squirrels (favorite food of the owls).

I'm catching up on posts.

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